
Sharafat Karim

Markdown Syntax

This article shows some useful and daily-driver type syntax, that I may use daily. First, right after heading, one example , followed by it’s syntax. I won’t explain though 😅. Note To learn in detail and easily, you may use following references, LoveIt theme documentation GRAV documentation and of course, there is GitHub wiki. I don’t think I need to mention this. 😅 Text formatting List 1 2 * text * text text text 1 2 3 4 5 + text - text - text - text + text text text text text text Note (Above code) +/- doesn’t matter here!

Love It, Hugo

Umm, Love It, and hugo? What’s going on? Hugo A static site genarator Love It Yet an another hugo theme What’s big deal? This article is mainly about Love IT theme’s specialities but maybe you can go ahead to it’s repo and learn for your own. So I’ll be focusing on it’s shortcodes which is an important element in hugo! If you don’t know about shortcodes then here’s an example, Writing,